You interact with people from various backgrounds and diverse accents in the global workspace. This spectrum of tones and sounds delightfully showcases individuality and cultural diversity. Your accents can tell a lot about your lineage, but often, it makes your pronunciation different to comprehend. It’s disheartening to see your message getting clouded behind the shrouds of your accent.
In this guide, you’ll find ways to conquer your accent difficulties to express yourself clearly while speaking English without any qualms! Through tips on pronunciation improvement and reducing foreign words – make sure not to miss out on how to get rid of accents and speak clearly.
How to Reduce Your Accent In 10 Steps
Reducing your accent takes dedication and consistent practice across listening, speaking and getting feedback. But with determination you can steadily improve your oral precision. Follow these key steps:
Step 1 Choose Your Ideal Accent

Decide between a British, American, Australian or other English accent variety that appeals most. Having a defined target keeps your efforts focused in one direction for best results. Listen to samples of dialects at to determine your preference.
Expert Tip: Embracing the musical quality of English is a major step in improving your pronunciation and getting rid of any strong accent. You can think about it as learning to dance – listening carefully, internalizing its rhythm, understanding its cadence – all while imitating how native speakers use their words fluently.
Step 2 Immerse Yourself in Listening

Spend at least 30 minutes daily listening to podcasts, shows, news reports featuring your chosen accent. Actively focus on elements like word stress, sentence rhythm and how certain sounds are articulated. Pause to repeat interesting phrases. Let your ear attune.
Expert Tip: Align yourself with the flow and melody that comes naturally for many people who grew up speaking the target language, and take on those tones. Understand them well enough so you can start training your mouth towards better enunciation and rid yourself entirely of an unnatural or unwanted accent.
Step 3 Speak Slowly and Record Yourself

Read a passage out loud at a steady pace, enunciating ends of words clearly without dropping syllables. Record with your phone. Replay the recording, critically listening for precision. Identify areas needing improvement.
Expert Tip: Make sure to speak slowly and clearly. In the beginning, making elaborate facial expressions can also help form sounds accurately. Focus on the movements of your lips, tongue, and facial muscles as you articulate each word.
Step 4 Use Tools to Identify Your Weak Spots

Upload recordings to Glossika’s automated speech analysis to highlight English words you consistently mispronounce. Alternatively, find a language partner strong in your target accent to note issues. Research correct pronunciations via YouTube lessons and dictionaries.
Expert Tip: According to a recent research conducted with closed groups of students of English as a Foreign Language (EFL), accent reduction software works wonders with improved pronunciation and clear communication.
Step 5 Drill Problem Words

Break tricky words into syllables and slowly sound them out, checking your mouth positions against English Club diagrams. Exaggerate mouth shapes at first, then relax into more natural enunciation once the problematic sounds embed through repetition.
Expert Tip: You need to exercise patience and keep putting effort into acquiring accent reduction and a clear speaking persona. Daily lessons and a timeline to practice different areas of the language will keep you hooked in attaining the end result. Make notes of the issues you are facing, and next time, put special emphasis on them. You can also show these recordings to a native speaker or tutor and get yourself constructive feedback.
Step 6 Read Children’s Books Aloud

Reading simpler phonetic books helps strengthen awareness of how combinations of letters make particular sounds. Enunciate each word clearly before building up to more complex texts with authentic cadences.
Expert Tip: Audiobooks are a great and convenient alternative to the traditional way of reading books. According to the latest research, around 40% of students have shifted to audiobooks owing to their incredible flexibility and convenience. Some studies also suggest that audiobooks are a far better medium for learning a new language and listening skills when compared to films. The reason may lie in the absence of visual distractions and complete focus on the auditory sense.
Step 7 Discuss with Native Speakers

Converse with accent speakers through exchanges like Speechling. Politely request feedback on your pronunciation. Receive corrections graciously; remind yourself everything said builds your progress.
Expert Tip: Having a native speaker for guidance can be invaluable when aiming to reduce one’s accent when speaking English. They have the advantage of being able to pick up on language nuances and thus provide practical advice concerning your pronunciation skills. Practice sessions or feedback from native English speakers help with honing your listening comprehension while also refining how you express yourself vocally without an impediment.
Step 8 Track Weekly Recordings

Rerecord the same baseline paragraph weekly, charting improvements gained over time against the original. Celebrate small gains; continue targeting any residual weaknesses. Believe the accent is trainable through dedication.
With consistent immersive listening, speaking practice and leveraging all helpful resources, your accent will gradually conform to more precise native-like pronunciations and phrasing. Stay determined in your practice!
Expert Tip: Tracking progress and celebrating small wins is a great way to stay motivated. You can record your voice daily and listen to it afterward to witness how far you’ve come. Oftentimes, especially in the beginning, the improvements are hard to notice, but keep at it – you’ll get there eventually!
Understanding Your Accent’s Roots
Acquiring a foreign language and embracing it entirely can be challenging for many individuals as your native language keeps shadowing how you converse. Failure to do so often results in segregation or bullying from your peers. You can only overcome the hints of your mother tongue and blend in with locals by understanding it first.
I went through a lot of bullying early on. Girls made my life a living hell. We had come to America from a different country. My brother and I had accents. It was very tough.
Nicki Minaj
Investigating the source of your accent is like an archaeological exploration. Your natural manner of speaking is influenced by both your native language and speech habits you picked up at a young age.
Just as texture in the soil reveals information about former societies, so do characteristics from one’s mother tongue leave their mark on how they pronounce foreign words and phrases.
By recognizing these origins, individuals can more readily reach clear diction that does not resemble too much of any other existing accent.
The Role of Your Native Language
The language we were born with is the original song our feet move to, its tones and inflections forming how we communicate in other dialects. For instance, consider an Italian speaker trying their best to pronounce the ‘th’ sound in English- a foreign tongue for them lacking that particular noise from their native lingo. They might replace it by using either ‘d’ or ‘t,’ giving it a recognizably unique tone specific to Italy.
By recognizing these structures, you can understand better all of the complex sounds used in English speech and pave the way towards more accurate pronunciation habits.
Speech Patterns from Early Years
Right from the start, we’re exposed to and soak up all kinds of speech around us. This experience shapes our speaking mannerisms and leads to a very personal tone unique to each individual.
Think about living in an environment with multiple accents – British & American, for example. The combination could result in a sound that is truly remarkable, like two diverse styles being seamlessly blended together.
As one looks into learning another language, it can be helpful to recognize these original patterns, which enable better enunciation, as well as build on your specific accent.
Accent Reduction vs. Pronunciation Enhancement
The journey to mastering a foreign language presents two interrelated notions: accent reduction and pronunciation enhancement. Much like both sides of the same coin, focusing on minimizing native tongue inflections through accent decrease is paralleled by improving our aptitude in communicating with precise words via improved vocalization.
Together, they are imperative for us to communicate clearly regardless of our native speaking roots.
What is Accent Reduction?
Accent reduction is the process of adjusting your speech patterns to sound more like a native speaker of a particular language without totally losing their original accent. It’s not about losing your identity but becoming clearer and more approachable.
Getting to this point requires time dedicated specifically to learning sounds and pronunciation specific to that foreign accent, as well as intonation habits, in order for it all to flow naturally.
The Importance of Clear Pronunciation
Having the ability to articulate words with clarity is extremely valuable when it comes to having a successful conversation. If you want your speech at social gatherings or in the workplace to make a strong impression, then slow speaking with precise pronunciation will open up those possibilities for success.
Exercises to Refine Your English Sounds
To refine your English sound, language learners can use certain practice techniques. Repetition and mastery of common consonants and vowels are some basic exercises that help achieve this goal. These simple steps form the foundations for clearer pronunciation when speaking in English.
With these procedures available to us, we now possess the tools necessary to improve our English sounds even further. Like musicians hone their craft through practicing scales, students have the opportunity to perfect their accents by focusing on particular words or expressions at any given time.
Mastering Problematic Consonants and Vowels
Some sounds are more tricky in English, requiring special focus and cautious dedication from you. Some consonants are used in some words but are silent in certain circumstances, like the sound “r” after a vowel.
Some problematic consonants include “Th”, “R”, and “L”.
For example, non-native speakers may struggle with the English “th” sound. To overcome this, practice placing the tongue between the teeth for the voiced “th” (as in “this”) and slightly sticking out the tongue for the voiceless “th” (as in “think”).
Some languages lack the same English “r” sound. Work on pronouncing it by tapping the tongue against the upper palate, and practice words like “red” and “rain” to refine your articulation.
Similarly, pronouncing the “l” sound clearly is essential. Make sure not to omit or replace it with another sound. For some non-native speakers, differentiating between “v” and “w” can be challenging. The difference lies in the placement of lips; for “v”, the bottom lip lightly touches the upper teeth, while for “w” the lips form a tight circle.
Furthermore, English distinguishes between short and long vowels, affecting word meanings. Practice pairs like “ship” (short “i”) and “sheep” (long “ee”) to refine your vowel pronunciation.
Another vowel sound is called schwa. It is when the sound of the vowel is reduced in unstressed syllables.
By recognizing the intricacies involved in certain sounds and putting in the effort, you can achieve clear and fluent English proficiency.
The Power of Repetition
According to research, through dedication and continuous efforts, it can take you four to five months to achieve accent reduction. These results can be achieved through practicing the sounds again and again until you achieve your desired results.
To truly harness the power of repetition, consider allocating some time daily to practice. Regular practice will reinforce the correct articulation. In the beginning, you’ll feel like adding effort, but it’ll feel more natural over time.
I have spent too long training myself to speak with an American accent, it’s ingrained. I spend 16 hours a day on set speaking with an American accent. Now, when I try to speak with an Aussie accent, I just sound like a caricature of myself.
Poppy Montgomery
You’ll also notice that repetition helps tone your vocal cords and other areas involved, like tongue, lip, or vocal cord movements.
To summarize, it’s natural to have some shadows of your lineage when conversing in a foreign language like English. The speech patterns from your early years are often apparent in your speech, and accent reduction is a great way to neutralize and help clarify your dialect.
However, it’s important to note that we’re not aiming to andon your identity, but what we seek is a reduction rather than elimination. The goal is to master pronunciation as, in many ways, accent reduction is synonymous with pronunciation enhancement. Take help from various online and offline, conventional and unconventional resources to become proficient in eloquent speech.
Q & A How to Get Rid of Accent
The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment.
Is it possible to get rid of an accent?
Getting rid of an accent is possible by recognizing your problem areas and practicing with conviction. The best approach is to abide by the right course of action tailored to your individual needs and start practicing through immersive techniques and recording and reviewing your progress throughout the journey. With consistent efforts, you’ll be able to get rid of your accent and communicate effectively.
Can watching movies and TV shows help me improve my English pronunciation?
Can watching movies and TV shows help me improve my English pronunciation?
Listening to English movies and TV shows can be an excellent way to improve pronunciation. It allows you to gain familiarity with how native speakers speak or communicate. You will also learn about proper intonation in context from hearing other people talk naturally onscreen.